Ibn Arabi's Cosmology: The Unity of Existence in Fusus al-Hikam (Rasoul RAHBARI GHAZANI)

Описание к видео Ibn Arabi's Cosmology: The Unity of Existence in Fusus al-Hikam (Rasoul RAHBARI GHAZANI)

🔹 In this video, I aim to clarify Ibn ʿArabī’s doctrine of the unity of existence echoed in "Fusus al Hikam." Here, I neither reject this doctrine nor do I approve it! Taking either one of these positions is the second step in any philosophical and theological investigation. The first step is to study the matter fairly and objectively and fully understand it before judgment. In this video, I only take the first step with you; the second step is yours!
I hope this video gives you a clear picture of this influential doctrine.
❗️ "Tanzīh": incomparability, transcendence. "Tashbīh": similarity, immanence.
❗️ Note: Technically, "tashbīh" means "similarity," not necessarily "immanence." I use "immanence" to give the intended "similarity" a sense of "indwelling." I use "God is immanent in the world" instead of "God is similar to the created" to emphasize His "dwelling in the world."

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🔻 My recent publications:
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🔹️ A Journey in Search of "I": The Self in Shabistarī's Rose Garden of Mystery (Gulshan-i Rāz) [https://www.academia.edu/101924418/A_...]
🔹Mystic Intoxication (Mastī) and the Meaning of Life:
Fayḍ Kāshānī’s Mystic Poetry through the Lens of John Cottingham’s Philosophy: [https://www.academia.edu/123672325/My...]
🔹️ Mystical Contemplation or Rational Reflection? The Double Meaning of Tafakkur in Shabistarī’s Rose Garden of Mystery [https://www.academia.edu/104730521/My...]
🔹️ Immortal Echoes in Mortal Words: “Love,” “Attraction,” and “Selflessness” in Fayḍ Kāshānī’s Mystico-Philosophical Poetry [https://pfk.qom.ac.ir/article_2699.ht...]

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