Do I keep this lens? | Part 2: Sony 11mm F1.8 Lens Review

Описание к видео Do I keep this lens? | Part 2: Sony 11mm F1.8 Lens Review

In this PART 2 Lunar New Year themed vlog, I review whether I keep the Sony 11mm f1.8 Lens (APS-C) or not, in real world application and using a full-frame camera.

PART 1:    • Overcoming Vlogging Fears | Part 1: S...  

#dayinthelife #lifestyle #cinematicvlog #lensreview

0:25 Intro
0:52 Parameters of use
1:35 Lunar New Year Prep - Lens application
3:03 Broll - lens application
5:32 Preliminary Thoughts - first day
6:48 New Years Celebration
8:02 Final Review and Verdict


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