Panata by JM Yosures OPM Music Review - Emir's BTIN (Balik Tanaw / In Hindsight)

Описание к видео Panata by JM Yosures OPM Music Review - Emir's BTIN (Balik Tanaw / In Hindsight)

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As of 12 May 2024, released under Creative Commons (CC) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Deed is available at, license available at: Please disregard CC license linked by YouTube.

No more Odysee.

Avatar by G-G Arts (  / gdashgarts  ,   / gdashgarts  . Please support G-G Arts on Ko-fi (

Disclaimer: All opinions and comments expressed in the comments section do not reflect the opinions of Emir's BTIN (Balik Tanaw / In Hindsight). All opinions and comments should contribute to the dialogue. Emir's BTIN (Balik Tanaw / In Hindsight) does not condone written attacks, insults, racism, sexism, extremism, violence or otherwise questionable comments or material in the Comments section, and reserves the right to delete any comment violating this rule or to block any poster from the channel. (adopting disclaimer by Mark Felton Productions)



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