
Описание к видео 今日茶席,第415席【蓮與佛教】

中國裝飾對外來植物紋樣的吸收與改變,相較漢晉傳統,吸收了許多新的裝飾骨架與佈局,同時又將外來紋樣進行中國化改造。自魏晉南北朝至唐代,中國裝飾紋樣逐漸由平面走向立體,由寫意走向寫實,由單調走向多樣。由於傳播的距離遙遠,加上傳播路徑的複雜,佛教中的植物紋樣在流傳過程中吸收了諸多不同領域的文化因素,不斷變化與演繹,最終被中華文化所吸收重構, 形成了新的面貌。

茶品 / 2021年臺灣高山烏龍茶
急須 / 江戶時代土屋宗益作蓮花水鳥圖側把藤手柄錫急須
片口 / 丹羽 白瓷蓮形片口
水注 / 19世紀末美國酒精底座藤手柄鍍銀煮水壺
茶杯 / 丹羽 シゲユキ白瓷蓮形杯
茶托 / 八代淳子更紗紋乾漆蓮瓣皿
茶入 / 清代德順款內白琉璃銀蓮花盞
茶勺 / 清代銀茶勺
茶濾 / 清代竹節佛蓮形銀茶濾
茶盤 / 明治時代蓮葉形銅盤

🍵今日の茶席 第415回【蓮と仏教】🍵

🍵Today's Tea Party No. 415 [Lotus and Buddhism]🍵
Buddhism was introduced to China around the 1st century AD. There are a large number of foreign plant motifs in the architecture of cave temples.
The lotus flower motif and honeysuckle motif are typical examples. They completely changed the composition that was dominated by animal motifs before the Han Dynasty, and further enriched the themes and dimensions of Chinese decoration.
The ancient Chinese absorbed and modified foreign plant motifs while comparing them with the traditions of the Han and Jin Dynasties. In other words, they absorbed many new frameworks and layouts, and at the same time modified foreign patterns to Chinese style.
From the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Tang Dynasty, Chinese decorative patterns gradually changed from flat to three-dimensional, from imporessionistic to realistic, and from monotonous to complex.
Due to the long distance and complex route of propagation, plant motifs related to Buddhism absorbed elements of various different cultures during the process of transmission. Through constant change and deduction, it has been gradually absorbed into Chinese civilization, reconstructed, and taken on a new form.


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