Archer Plastics "Slot Hand" Spaceman Figures, Mid 1950s? Soft Waxy Plastic, Primary Colors & COOL!

Описание к видео Archer Plastics "Slot Hand" Spaceman Figures, Mid 1950s? Soft Waxy Plastic, Primary Colors & COOL!

Maybe it's just the Underdog freak in me but I like these PVC type slot hand spacemen more than the original hard metallic plastic Archer Space People figures, even if they didn't do a female. They're more rugged for one -- You'd have to really work at breaking them, though because the equipment issued with them is removable those were the first things to get lost. Since nobody copied the slot handers (as far as I know) they'll all be originals where with the metallic colored plastics it takes some learning to spot the reissues.

The "Space.Trucks" videos, Instagram feed and related blog are for sharing my enthusiasm for vintage, antique & offbeat Space Toys with other grownup collectors and are not made with child-age audiences in mind.

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