EDF 6 DLC 2-15 another Shields Cheese Weapons Farming Air Raider Inferno ( Earth Defense Force 6 )

Описание к видео EDF 6 DLC 2-15 another Shields Cheese Weapons Farming Air Raider Inferno ( Earth Defense Force 6 )

A pretty easy mission for Air Raider. Only small Krakens, and their shots don't destroy buildings, so all you need is a place to hide and some patience and it's a piece of cake.

There are 2 runs with 2 different hiding places in this video. The loadouts used are the same, and without DLC weapons. The second hiding place does allow better reach of all Krakens for pissing, so I did not need to change location again.

The weapons I used were the level 90 and 70 Bulge Lasers Z and F, the 67 E2β Stun Copter (Shock), the 56 Electromagnetic Prison and 80 Naegling Self-Propelled Missile Launcher XEM.
Bulges work excellently with small Krakens. They're stupid enough to easily put themselves in its path and get stunned and destroyed quickly. Pity bulges now take so much time to reload.
If most drones are stupid, the Stun Copters are reasonable. In this case their major plus is their huge range, much bigger than normal gunship attacks.
Electromagnetic Prison may have a weird shape and not much armor, but they have a very fast reload. That is useful here as in many other occasions. An AR weapon that took me some time to be a fan of, which was dumb.
And lastly, the many times useful Naegling, which wasn't almost even used in the second run because it wasn't necessary.

Mission flow is mindboggling easy.
Get NPCs, go to someplace where you can install shields inside a building, piss a few Krakens with Stuncopter and then use Bulges when they arrive. You need to wait for NPCs to arrive near you, so that Kraknes are not spread around.
Be careful where you aim Bulge... Corpses and body parts are a usual source of issues. And environment crap.
When the Naegling can be summoned it helps to piss Krakens.

At 07:03 we have one of those inadmissible vehicle "happenings" in EDF 6. ~It's even worse when it's a tank, but still dumb as hell. People complain with so many ridiculous things and this gets dismissed. The number of times that I lost missions due to these stupid things is huge.

Sadly, the number of weapon crates is very small, something very common on DLC missions. At least this is very easy, so it's good for a few runs.

00:00 Read description, usually it's VERY useful
00:25 First run, nearby hiding place
07:03 Thanks Sandlot, more vehicle stupidity
09:27 Change of location
13:04 Second run, further away hiding place

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