Jura Milk System Sputtering? How To Properly Clean Your Jura Milk Frother

Описание к видео Jura Milk System Sputtering? How To Properly Clean Your Jura Milk Frother

Use this!
Puro Milk System Cleaner:

This product dissolves milk and allows your system to work great once again! A must for anyone who owns a Jura!

Jura milk frothers make amazing froth... Until they don't! Please watch this video for all of my pro tips on how to get the most out of your Jura coffee machine milk frother and what to do when it's not working correctly. Learn the 3 pronged approach: the milk cleaning cycle, physical disassembly and cleaning, and milk system rinsing! These help ensure that your frother is perfectly clean and making beautiful froth every time!

If you try everything in the video, but you are still having issues with your Jura, please follow the link below to receive a free estimate for repair:



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