What does 1200WHP Capable VAG EA855 look like?

Описание к видео What does 1200WHP Capable VAG EA855 look like?

The VAG DAZA engine, also known as EA855, is widely recognized in the performance industry. Stock blocks featuring plasma-sprayed bores (or APS, as VAG terms it) can handle very high horsepower. However, the thin iron coating of the sprayed bore makes it vulnerable to detonation and high temperatures caused by factors like poor fuel quality or a suboptimal tune. Therefore, in the realm of 1000 whp, many builders opt to sleeve their blocks for added strength.

From our extensive experience building DAZA engines, we've observed that traditional dry flange sleeves may not endure due to the engine's small bore spacing and coolant passage design. Dry flange sleeved DAZAs often suffer from sleeve drop between cylinders, particularly where the supporting area is hollowed out for coolant channels to reduce thermal stress. Over time, sleeve drop can lead to head gasket failures under wide-open throttle (WOT) conditions. To address this, it becomes necessary to block the channel between cylinders, though this can increase the risk of overheating during demanding scenarios like road course racing.

Considering these challenges, we developed a wet conversion for the DAZA engine. Our design mitigates the risks of overheating and sleeve drop, proving highly durable at power levels exceeding 1000 WHP. This solution eliminates the need for frequent block replacements or machining during racing seasons.


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