A Wheel Chooses our LEAGUE of LEGENDS Comp!

Описание к видео A Wheel Chooses our LEAGUE of LEGENDS Comp!

A wheel decides what champions we are playing in the bot lane, but selected by comps we've seen on TikTok. Can we make it to Challenger?

League of Legends Challenge:
• A wheel decides our picks from TikTok comps.

The Bot Duo:
‪‪@KarimStreams‬ & ‪@Lowkeyreformed‬

We created a new channel to see if climbing in League is pure luck, or we could start on a brand new account and climb all the way to Challenger, in this new series we are trying out comps that we've found on TikTok and YouTube shorts, and see how far we can make it!

Welcome to The League Duo! New videos weekly!


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