Let's cure your herbs instead of drying them!

Описание к видео Let's cure your herbs instead of drying them!

Curing our herbs makes a HUGE difference in maintaining quality i.e. medicinal properties of our plants.

Since today I was having a hard time getting words to flow well (thanks benzo recovery brain, asshole.) I'll explain a bit here too.

To "Dry" herbs is where you use air to dissipate moisture from the outside in. Relying on evaporation, air flow & heat. When we do this quality really suffers as medicinal properties dissipate right along with the time it takes to rely on evaporation. Also air movement and heat shrink up plant matter. This is why most dried herbs look dull and lifeless compared to when they where living.

To "Cure" herbs is where you quickly extract moisture in a dark, cool, still air environment. No evaporation is really taking place. Instead we use a dehumidifier to actually pull out the moisture. Lack of light, heat & air movement preserve much higher levels of medicinal properties. Also for the most part your plant matter is left vibrant and looks very similar to when alive.

It really does make a huge difference in quality and while if you're not really harvesting a lot of plants in a season this may not be worth the investment if you find yourself bringing more and more plant allies into your home and are stocking up for the long cold months this is 100% worth the effort. Your medicines will go so much further and be so much more potent.

Also just to say If you're gana use this method for Marijuana get all the main water leaf off and leave on intact stem for a slower cure as to not dissipate your trichs. Best to hang instead of laying on anything so your buds maintain form. Also make sure it's light tight as light during curing will fluff out your buds versus all dark that will dense them up during curing quite a bit.

Hope you all enjoyed another absolutely unplanned phone video where I just want to get the info out versus worry about production quality! See ya next time!


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