hold me down | Chase&Bree (AU)

Описание к видео hold me down | Chase&Bree (AU)

I know, I know. I promised I'd get the second part of "If Bree Had Known About Marcus..." up before anything else. But I JUST saw the Lab Rats/Mighty Med episode and that scene was so vid worthy that I couldn't ignore it! But I solemnly swear that the next thing I upload will be Part 2!!

Hopefully this one is easy to follow. If not, I'll post a written out plot line below. It's always hard incorporating voice overs into my videos because I usually have a clear vision in my head of what I want it to be like. And, of course, there isn't always dialogue that's useful for what I'm trying to convey to all you lovelies! Ah well, I tried my best.


All rights go to their respective owners, I own nothing! :P
xoxo -Naomi


Brace yourselves, it's a long one.

►Plot: Bree has a crush on Oliver, but only because he reminds her of someone she already knows. When Skylar points out that Oliver is like Chase, Bree realizes this and is quickly disturbed by the thought.

After this, Bree can’t stop thinking about it. She soon comes to realize that she likes Chase, more than a sibling, and after getting jealous of Sabrina and a near death experience, she decides to tell him how she feels. She’s happy when he responds to the news with a smile. They start up a relationship, however it’s not very official, and only Leo and Adam are in on it. But Chase and Bree are happy together.

Then one day when Bree is looking for Chase, Donald lets slip that he’s with another girl. Bree gives Leo a panicked look, but Donald misreads it as mocking and quickly defends Chase. He’s still oblivious to the relationship. After that Bree and Leo spy on Chase, who they find talking to Kate. Bree assumes the worst and, after ranting to Adam and Douglas, goes into Chase’s room to see if she can find any truth to it. After seeing and hugging a picture of them together, she spots his laptop nearby and snoops through it. Unfortunately she finds evidence that he’s been seeing Kate behind her back.

Bree goes to confront Chase, interrupting his date with Kate, and tells him that it’s over between them. Then she speed runs away, leaving him hurt and shocked. Donald finally finds out about their (recently ended) affair and is disappointed in Chase for what he did. Chase is visibly upset as he thinks about how he messed up. He goes to talk to Bree, but she isn’t having any of it and brushes him off.

After a long period of moping around, Adam finally tells Bree to move on. With one final jab at Chase, she sends him a message telling him he’s a jerk and smirks triumphantly. Meanwhile he’s upset at the text, seeing how she no longer adores him like she used to.

Chase then sees Bree hanging around Sebastian, and he gets jealous. He tells Sebastian that Bree is still his essentially, which isn’t untrue, before they fight. It ends with Chase pinning Sebastian down, but then Bree shows up. However she’s not exactly upset that Chase fought her new ‘boyfriend’ but instead flattered and slightly impressed with how much he actually seems to care. Chase shows no regret of fighting with Sebastian.

At the end, Bree accidentally enters the same room that Chase is in. She turns to leave, but he tells her to wait. He then apologizes for what he did, and she accepts. He admits that he in fact does love her. She doesn’t get back together with him, but she doesn’t completely reject him either, instead playfully throwing a pair of gloves at him and calling him a loser before running off again. He stands there with a smile on his face, knowing that it’s now his turn to pursue her and make things right between them.


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