Legacy of the Dragonborn V6 Fast-Travel airship test demo

Описание к видео Legacy of the Dragonborn V6 Fast-Travel airship test demo

I just finished working out the basic mechanics of the new revised fast travel-able airship! Now instead of set destinations from a list, you can go on deck, activate the wheel (which will open the map automatically if you use SKSE), and select where you want to travel to. It will then travel you and the airship to ANY map marker in the world and account for time passage! You can even transport it between worldspaces AND it will not require ANY patching to make it compatible with new lands mods!!! It will have some potential clipping concerns and ladder access issues in some places but I hope to identify the big ones and apply some conditional adjustments to where the airship is moved to (so it doesn't look like you crashed into Understone Keep for example lol). Only drawback is that followers won't be able to follow on deck, but I'm working on having followers identified by the activation of the hatch, the ladders and the system in general so that they will activate the appropriate activators and be moved where they should be.

Disregard me jumping up and down trying to reach the ladder after the first stop lol, clearly we're gonna need a longer ladder :D


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