Powered Paragliding Adventure - The most fun you can have in the sky!

Описание к видео Powered Paragliding Adventure - The most fun you can have in the sky!

Powered paragliding, also known as paramotoring or PPG, is a form of ultralight aviation where the pilot may wear a back-pack or mounted motor (a paramotor) that provides enough thrust to take off using a paraglider. The beauty of PPG lies in its simplicity: it can be launched in still air and on level ground by the pilot alone—no assistance is required. Imagine the feeling of the sun on your face and the wind whistling past you as you soar over picturesque countryside. You’re climbing higher, exploring the multi-colored tapestry of the world below, all while suspended beneath a paraglider wing powered by a motor strapped to your back. It’s a unique perspective that few get to experience—a dream of flight realized. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pilot, paramotoring offers exhilarating views and thrills that are truly one-of-a-kind. If you’re interested in learning more or even becoming a paramotor pilot, there’s no formal licensing requirement, and training is safe, easy, and lots of fun. So, if you’ve ever dreamed of flying, powered paragliding might just be your ticket to adventure.
#paragliding #hawaii #usa


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