Dragon Buster (Arcade) Playthrough longplay retro video game

Описание к видео Dragon Buster (Arcade) Playthrough longplay retro video game

Dragon Buster[a] is a platform, dungeon crawling action role-playing game that was developed by Namco and released in 1985.[1][2] It runs on Namco Pac-Land hardware, modified to support vertical scrolling. In Japan, the game was ported to the Family Computer, MSX and Sharp X68000; the latter version was later released for the Virtual Console in the same region on November 18, 2008. Dragon Buster has been ported for the PSP and is available as part of Namco Museum Battle Collection. It was followed by a Japan-only Famicom sequel, Dragon Buster II: Yami no Fūin, and was later followed by the PlayStation game Dragon Valor, which was both a remake and sequel.


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