
Описание к видео 美國最強特種部隊海豹六隊,反恐作戰的中堅力量,擊斃恐怖組織頭目本·拉登|美國海軍陸戰隊|特種部隊|海豹突擊隊|三角洲部隊|阿富汗戰爭

美國海軍特種作戰開發群 ,前身為美國海軍海豹突擊隊第六分隊。海豹六隊是美國海軍的反恐特種作戰部隊,戰爭時由聯合特種作戰司令部指揮,其主要責任為蒐集情報、執行全球範圍反恐怖主義行動以及特種作戰裝備、技術、戰術的研究、開發和標準化。海豹六隊是美國特種部隊中T1級別的存在,在“擊斃本·拉登”等各項反恐行動中表現出色,從而被世人所知。從建立至今,這支部隊一直是美國乃至全球特種部隊的標杆。
The U.S. Navy Special Warfare Development Group, formerly known as the U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six. SEAL Team Six is the anti-terrorist special operations force of the US Navy. It is commanded by the Joint Special Operations Command during the war. Its main responsibilities are to collect intelligence, execute global anti-terrorism operations, and research, develop and standardize special operations equipment, technology, and tactics. . SEAL Team Six is a T1-level existence in the US special forces. It has performed well in various anti -terrorism operations such as "killing bin Laden", so it is known to the world. Since its establishment, this force has been the benchmark of special forces in the United States and even the world.


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