Luhan鹿晗《触发(Set it off)》正式版MV(繁体版)

Описание к видео Luhan鹿晗《触发(Set it off)》正式版MV(繁体版)

继《Lu》之后,“鹿男”再度上线,触发更多可能。迷幻浓厚的色彩,涂鸦、粉彩、霓虹荧光等元素组合,多重色彩打开视觉张力;万花筒、公路追逐等充满设计感的镜头,演绎出强烈的街头感与想象力。如梦境般迷幻的画面更与Future Bass的音乐风格相契合,突破传统感官体验,不仅带来潮流前卫的视听效果,更赋予了自由与个性的情感表达。年轻的自我,势均力敌的较量,我们屏住呼气,因为一切一触即发。
“Deerman”is coming back with the new song “Set it off”. A colorful mixture of graffiti, drawing and neon light, the swift changing images of a kaleidoscope and the scene of highway chase make great visual impact. The dreamy visual expression company with future bass genre music brings out the new visual & audial enjoyment, imagination and vitality to the most.


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