《天天饮食》 20111128 小炒豆芽粉条-HD高清完整版

Описание к видео 《天天饮食》 20111128 小炒豆芽粉条-HD高清完整版

   / dailydietofficia关注《天天饮食》官方频道,更多精彩内容!   1、主料:豆芽、粉条; 2、辅料:五花肉、胡萝卜等; 3、烹饪方法: (1)粉条切寸段,胡萝卜和五花肉切粗丝,黄豆芽下入热水中焯制; (2)锅中倒油,下入五花肉煸炒,再放葱姜,然后烹入料酒、老抽; (3)锅中放入胡萝卜、豆芽和粉条,然后下入青蒜,烹入味精和香油炒匀。1 Ingredients: bean sprouts, vermicelli; 2 accessories: pork, carrots, etc.; 3, cooking methods: (1) inch section cut pasta, carrots and pork cut thick wire, bean sprouts, boiled down into the hot water system; (2 ) pot pour oil down into the pork stir-fry, add ginger, then cooked into the cooking wine, soy sauce; (3) pot and add carrots, bean sprouts and noodles, then down into the garlic, cooked into MSG and sesame oil and stir well .


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