What's New in Minecraft Snapshot 20w46a?

Описание к видео What's New in Minecraft Snapshot 20w46a?

A second snapshot has arrived for the Caves & Cliffs update! This one contains Powder Snow - the Snowier Snow... and a brand new system for item modification from commands! Check out all the changes in this comprehensive video guide! #minecraftemployee

slicedlime works as a Tech Lead for Minecraft at Mojang, but the YouTube and Twitch channels are personal projects run entirely in his spare time. This is an unofficial update video that aims to be the most comprehensive guide possible. Official announcement: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/artic...

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Intro: 0:00
Blocks & Items: 0:25
Gameplay: 1:53
World Generation: 2:41
Mobs: 2:54
Visuals: 3:09
Sounds: 4:23
User Interface: 4:55
Loot Tables: 7:56
Data: 10:43
Tags: 11:02
Particles: 11:21
Resource Packs: 11:30
Performance & Stability: 12:10
Getting This Version: 12:41
Outro: 12:52

Change Highlights in this version:
Blocks & Items:
Powder Snow is a trap block that causes any entity that walks into it to sink in it
You can pick up and place Powder Snow with a bucket
Wear leather boots to prevent yourself from sinking into Powder Snow blocks
Leave a Cauldron outside in falling snow and it will fill with Powder Snow
Standing in Powder Snow will slowly freeze an entity
Once frozen, freeze damage is done every few seconds to the frozen entity
Rabbits, endermites and silverfish can walk on powder snow without falling through

The range in which a lightning rod attracts lightning has been doubled
Copper blocks are now crafted from 4 copper ingots
Fixed MC-203631 - Amethyst buds do not drop themselves with silk touch
Fixed MC-188448 - Food pops off of campfire when extinguished

Fixed MC-203574 - Decorations don't generate in the Nether
Fixed MC-185605 - Kelp generates on top of Magma Blocks

Fixed MC-53518 - Endermen don't attack endermites spawned using spawn eggs or /summon
Fixed MC-99259 - As of 1.9, the wither health bar doesn't go up during spawn

New Spyglass scope
Sky color now varies smoothly when moving between different biomes
Fixed MC-203562 - Shulker boxes animate when shulkers do

Changed a number of the textures for blocks and items introduced in the previous snapshot:
Amethyst Block
Budding Amethyst Block
Cut Copper
Lightning Rod
Tinted Glass
Candle Item Icons
Copper Ingot Item Icon
Amethyst Shard Item Icon
Bundle Item Icon

Breaking, walking on powder snow
Using a bucket to place powder snow
Taking damage from freezing
Picking up powder snow with a bucket

Buttons that change value (like Difficulty) can now be controlled with mouse wheel
Clicking on button that changes value while holding shift key changes to previous value

Removed /replaceitem command
Added /item command - Modifies item or block inventory.

This command has three forms:
/item target replace item stack [count]
/item target modify modifier
/item target copy source [modifier]

Possible sources and targets:
entity selector slot
block x y z slot

Added item modifiers, which reuse loot table functions syntax
The function part of loot tables can now be defined as separate data pack resource in item_modifiers directory

Loot tables:
Loot tables can now access scoreboard values by UUID
Loot table values inside random number generators can now be nested
New condition: value_check - Checks range of value
Changed condition: score - entity parameter has now been replaced with target
copy_nbt: source parameter can now be set to {"storage": namespaced id}, to access command storage
New function: set_enchantments - Modifies enchantments on item
New value provider: score

New block tag: snow_step_sound_blocks
New entity tag: powder_snow_walkable_mobs

New type: snowflake

Data pack version is now 7

Some camera sequences rendered using the ReplayMod: https://replaymod.com

Music: "Capsule", "Slash" and "Peaks" by Crinkles (https://crinklesmusic.bandcamp.com/) licensed CC-BY 3.0
Outro music: "The Fire" by Amarante (http://amarante.bandcamp.com) licensed CC-BY 3.0

CC-BY 3.0: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...


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#cavesandcliffs #20w46a


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