Goth is Not A Popularity Contest | Beware of the Wiki-Warrior

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Today, the way people generally become acquainted with the goth scene is online. The issue with that is that the online version is entirely different than the real life version. When you're first discovering the subculture those you interact with in the beginning can really make or break your view of things. When the welcome wagon just so happens to be a bridge troll with an inflated ego using information you clearly don't have yet to belittle you-- That right there can be off putting enough to not only provide a warped perception of what it's truly about, their self image takes a hit and so does the scene for that matter. If people keep getting run off by those whose only connection to the subculture is based in their own arrogance and/or vanity well, that's when things begin to die out. It's important to be able to tell the difference between those who are well meaning and those who are not.

Song: Artica - Engel
My IG was hacked/Deleted. My new IG is: AngelaMarieBenedict
Bat Necklace:


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