Joy Ganguly lockdown short's film...

Описание к видео Joy Ganguly lockdown short's film...

[12/05, 3:44 PM] JOY: Casts
1)Honey Bafna ( Bokul katha / Hero )
2)Rajiv Bose ( Krishnakali / Main Villain )
3)Joy Ganguly ( Joy Baba Lokhnath / Main Villain)
4)Indrajit Mazumder ( AgunPakhi / Hero )
5)Pritam Banerjee ( AgunPakhi / main Supporting )
6)Riturai Acharya ( Agunpakhi / Heroin )
7)Srijani Mitra Mustaphee ( BajlonTomar Alor Benu/ Main Supporting female )
8)Shobhona Bhunia ( Ashalata / Heroin )

Aparajita Burman

Direction (and Intro)
Rahul Burman
[12/05, 3:44 PM] JOY: Lockdown short
( Ray of Hopes )

The global pandemic has shook the entire planet and has rooted a sense of fear irrespective of any differences. It resulted in a disruption in the rhythm of life, imprisoning everyone in their own houses. Thus, it has become a problem for them to get hold of their daily needs. In this situation we have combined our efforts to enlighten your mood with a short attempt " DELIVERY "

The protagonist here is a boy named Joy. Initially it has been shown that Ritu ,who shares the same apartment with Joy , is panicked to see Joy coughing frequently due to some unknown reason. Being worried, she called all of their friends ,notifying them about Joy's condition. Their reaction was similar to that of Ritu's .They all started thinking about Joy's health. Fortunately the cure was found .For the sake of their friend, they ordered the cure Which was eventually "Delivered" at joy's place. After taking the cure , Joy's health drastically changed for the best.
Don't panic ,instead find the suitable cure. Moreover ,take the right medicine at the right time. Don't feel panicked or spread panic.
Stay home
Stay safe .
We shall overcome


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