Adivasi Hair Oil KA ASLI SACH | Scam Exposed by Hair Expert - watch before you buy adivasi hair oil

Описание к видео Adivasi Hair Oil KA ASLI SACH | Scam Exposed by Hair Expert - watch before you buy adivasi hair oil

In this video dr ashok sinha has explained and exposed ayurvedic hair oil , after a deep research .
Watch all the points and protect Indian from such frauds.
Adivasi hair oil preparation - it is prepared in aluminium pot , which is not fda approved practice , still how adivasis are manufacturing such oil ?
If you watch the videos of different celebrity , all oils used to prepare adivasi oil has same colour . While you all know coconut oil , badam oil and castor oil has different colours . Then how they have all same colour .
Temperature control - There is no temperature control while preparing the oil , how do they know and control temperature without any thermometer , without any temperature control mechanism . This not hair oil , this is burnt oil .
Every adivasi oil claims more than 100 herbs , then they never mention it on the Lebel on bottles . And how government is allowing such crime .
Plastic quality of bottle - Plastic of hair oil should be of food quality , but they are using ordinary plastic that my dissolve in oil , and cause side effect .
Fda licensing - I have ordered many oils after watching videos of influencers , none of them has any certificates , any license number , where is Indian government , where is Karnatka state minister . Why such practice is going on .
Hygiene- Oil is prepared in open , unhygienic condition , No industry norms followed , no regulatory precaution taken , why ?
All test after production - many tests required after manufacturing of any hair oil like heavy metal testing , viscosity , microbilogical , specific gravity , where is all those tests reports.
Which jungle has all herbs - Where in India there is any forest that has all herbs in one place and that is available through out year . It is a scam .
Many Indian communities have naturally long hair like village female and naga baba , they do not use adivasi hair oil , Its all about genetic and hard work n culture ,
Not proper ayurvedic oil - ayurvedic oil is not prepared in this way , no qwath , no swaras, just mis everything in hot oil n burn , this is not ayurvedic oil .
This is an attempt to help Indian from such scam n fraud . PLEASE SUPPORT ADON HAIR CARE AND SUPPORT YOUR SELF .
#adivasihairoilreview #adivasihairoilreview #adiwasihakkipikki #adivasihakkipikkihairoil #adivasihairoilscam #adivasiherbalhairoilscam #originaladiwasiherbalhairoil, #fakeadiwasiherbalhairoil
Time stamp
1:34 - Adivasi hair oil preparation in aluminum pots (Not FDA approved)
2:46 - Earn 5 lakh rupees
3:10 - Same color of all oils (coconut, castor, almond)
4:06 - No temperature control during preparation
5:48 - False claims about the number of herbs
6:31 - Poor quality plastic bottles used
7:23 - Unhygienic manufacturing conditions
9:15 - No FDA or GMP licensing
9:53 - No quality checks after manufacturing
10:08 - The myth of "one forest, all herbs"
11:00 - Adivasi hair oil is NOT proper Ayurvedic oil
12:54 - Natural long hair in Indian communities
13:23 - Outro with call to action
Time stamp
1:34 - आदिवासी तेल कैसे बनता है? एफडीए नियमों का उल्लंघन!
2:46 - 5 लाख रुपये जीतने का मौका!
3:10 - सभी तेलों का एक ही रंग? मिलावट का खुलासा!
4:06 - बिना तापमान नियंत्रण के बनता है आपका तेल!
5:48 - जड़ी-बूटियों के दावे झूठे? लेबल पर लिखी जानकारी से अलग हकीकत!
6:31 - प्लास्टिक की बोतल भी है खतरनाक!
7:23 - खुले में बनता है आपका तेल! देखें अस्वच्छता की तस्वीरें।
9:15 - एफडीए लाइसेंस? GMP सर्टिफिकेट? कुछ भी नहीं!
9:53 - क्वालिटी चेक? वो भी नहीं होता!
10:08 - एक जंगल में सारी जड़ी-बूटियाँ? नामुमकिन!
11:00 - ये आयुर्वेदिक तेल नहीं है!
12:54 - नागा बाबा और गांव की महिलाओं के लंबे बालों का राज
13:23 - स्कैम से बचें, खुद को सपोर्ट करें!

Adivasi hair oil scam
fake Adivasi herbal hair oil
Adivasi hair oil fraud
is Adivasi hair oil legit
Adivasi hair oil customer complaints
Adivasi hair oil side effects
exposed Adivasi hair oil scam
Adivasi hair oil scam warning
beware of Adivasi hair oil
Adivasi hair oil fake reviews
What is Adivasi hair oil?
Is Adivasi hair oil a proven hair growth remedy?
Are there different types of Adivasi hair oil?
What are the claimed benefits of Adivasi hair oil?
How does Adivasi hair oil work?
Is Adivasi hair oil safe to use?
Can Adivasi hair oil cause side effects?
How long does it take to see results with Adivasi hair oil?
Can Adivasi hair oil cure baldness?
Is Adivasi hair oil suitable for all hair types?
FAQ Section 2: Scam-Related Questions
Are there fake Adivasi hair oil products on the market?
How can I identify a fake Adivasi hair oil product?
What are the common signs of an Adivasi hair oil scam?
Have there been reports of Adivasi hair oil scams?
What should I do if I think I've purchased a fake Adivasi hair oil product?
Are there any reputable sellers of Adivasi hair oil?
How can I verify the authenticity of Adivasi hair oil?
What are the risks of using fake Adivasi hair oil?
Are there any government regulations for Adivasi hair oil products?
What legal actions can be taken against Adivasi hair oil scams?


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