Salata de Iarna gogonele gogosari ardei morcovi ceapa murate / Assorted Salad for Winter

Описание к видео Salata de Iarna gogonele gogosari ardei morcovi ceapa murate / Assorted Salad for Winter

Salata de iarna, gogonele in sos de mustar
gogonelele se vor taia cu 1 zi inainte si se sareaza cu 2 linguri sare
taiem 3 kg de gogonele marunt
punem 2 linguri de sare pentru muraturi si le lasam pana a doua zi
taiem 1 kg de morcovi marunt
amestecam 450 gr mustar si 500 ml ulei incet ca pe maioneza
taiem 1 kg de gogosari si
1 kg de ardei galbeni marunt
taiem 1 kg de ceapa marunt
Preparam murata din:
250 ml otet
250 gr zahar
500 ml apa
1 lingura sare
5-8 foi dafin
15 gr pipper negru
punem apa la clocotit
adaugam zaharul, sarea, piperul negru,
frunzele de dafin si otetul
toate legumele se oparesc timp de 5-10 minute
(doar pana isi schimba culoarea, ele trebuie sa ramana crocante!)
lasam legumele la racit pana a doua zi
a doua zi, punem maioneza de mustar
(mustar+ulei) peste legume si amestecam
se pune in borcane amestecul obtinut
punem 1 sau 2 linguri de mustar simplu deasupra
daca puneti borcanele intr-o camara care nu e rece
va trebui sa sterilizati borcanele in bain-marie
daca aveti camara rece sau pivnita
nu e nevoie de sterilizare

Winter salad, unripe tomatoes in mustard sauce
the unripe tomatoes will be cut 1 day before and salt with 2 tablespoons of salt
cut 3 kg of unripe tomatoes into small pieces
put 2 spoons of salt for pickles and we leave it until the next day
cut 1 kg of carrots small
mix 450 gr of mustard and 500 ml of oil slow as mayonnaise
cut 1 kg of red peppers and
1 kg of small yellow peppers
finely chop 1 kg of onion
We make the pickled water from:
250 ml of vinegar
250 grams of sugar
500 ml of water
1 spoon of salt
5-8 bay leaves
15 gr black pepper
put the water on the boil
add sugar, salt, black pepper,
bay leaves and vinegar
all vegetables are scalded for 5-10 minutes
(only until it changes color but they must remain crispy!)
let the vegetables cool until the next day
the next day, we put mustard mayonnaise
(mustard+oil) over the vegetables and mix
put the obtained mixture in jars
put 1 or 2 spoons of simple mustard on top
if you put the jars in a room that is not cold
you will have to sterilize the jars in a bain-marie
if you have a cold room or cellar
no need for sterilization


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