Msfs2020*Ai Traffic issues on Taxiways & Runways? Ai traffic lots of Go Arounds? Must Have Addon

Описание к видео Msfs2020*Ai Traffic issues on Taxiways & Runways? Ai traffic lots of Go Arounds? Must Have Addon

Hello everyone in the video for Microsoft flight simulator 2020 we will discuss a potential fix for the Ai traffic issue that we all experience in the sim. Tired of all the go arounds ? or how about planes blocking the taxiway and we cannot get through well i guess you can ride through them but that is an immersion killer for me. How about the circling aircraft on the runways ? In this video i go over 2 applications that are external to msfs and can be run anytime in or out of the sim. I will break down both of the applications and show how to adjust all of the available settings for the ai traffic engine in msfs. Now some people may think that they use fsltl or aig and that this wont apply but yes it does. Those live traffic injectors only inject the traffic leaving it up to the default atc traffic engine to manage all of the flights and as we all know once more traffic get injected atc has a very hard time to manage everything. I will not go over every setting in the config files for both of these but i will show you what you need to know to get to the file and how to change the settings as well as the pdf doc of all the settings and what they do. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments and don't forget to like share and sub to the channel thanks for watching.

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