Emperor's New Groove - Sparta Temporal Remix

Описание к видео Emperor's New Groove - Sparta Temporal Remix

this video furthered my distaste for
creating choruses, especially in triplets. this was a fun base to work with, did a lot of experimenting with different things besides a different time signature than usual 4/4.

now for whom it may concern

this isn't anything serious i just really need to speak my mind. i've had this project sitting on my computer for months, maybe starting around april. the beginning is the very first rendition of the audio before redoing a lot of the effects and adding a variety of things. aside from my lack of critical thinking skills in not being able to work with what i had, the end stages of production proved to be the most grueling. i've fully rendered this about three times and tweaked and obssessed over very minute things for about triple that. it's a hidden talent of sorts. it pains me to say i don't really enjoy the final product of this mix, considering i've experienced firsthand just how difficult it is for me to let small things go. everything must be exactly how i envision, layed out meticuliously, down to the pixel. it was so hard for me i even debated scrapping this one and starting an entirely different project (to which i'm not a big fan of scrapping or mixes unfinished at all). but in the end i begrudgingly decided to just leave imperfections as they were. i know many might not have a single clue what i'm referring to but i sure as hell do. now i'll probably need to clarify this i have absolutely no plans whatsoever for quitting remixing anytime soon. although production time might slow due to much of the same reason as cassidy, i will try my absolute best to keep creating content, in whatever form possible. from this experience i'm confident in saying that i don't give up or settle easily at all, so i will definitely not let my perfectionism be the bane of my content creation moving forward.

both of my wrists hurt i should really take a break from pc stuff

#2021SRContest #spartaremix


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