KELLER HCW - Image - Plants and Machinery

Описание к видео KELLER HCW - Image - Plants and Machinery

KELLER - Innovation by tradition since 1894!

KELLER was founded in 1894. At that time, the Laggenbeck mechanic Carl Keller developed the finger car, which represented the beginning of automation in the brick industry. With further groundbreaking inventions, KELLER became the global technology leader in the heavy clay industry in the 20th century. Today, KELLER is a division of the French industrial group ‘Groupe Legris Industries’ and employs 350 people at two sites at Ibbenbüren-Laggenbeck and Mellrichstadt.

Based on the core business of the KELLER Division, solutions have also been developed for other branches of industry, resulting in further business areas, which today are presented as follows:

ICS - Intelligent Clay Solutions
The business unit for the heavy clay sector remains the core of the company and the technological driving force for the brick industry. Individual robot applications, customer-specific machine solutions, advanced dryer and kiln technologies as well as complex plant concepts are developed, manufactured and installed worldwide.

IMS - Intelligent Machinery Solutions
Based on many years of experience in the heavy clay industry and by using the synergies of wide-ranging fields of expertise, KELLER creates highly flexible, machine and robot supported systems for industrial handling and palletising processes. Innovative control and automation systems meet the today's demand on flexibility and security.

IAS - Intelligent Automation Solutions
KELLER IAS is a specialist in the automation of bulk solids processes. The complete plant control and visualisation of the production processes up to order management is planned and realised here. Especially in the field of automation of grain mills and compound feed plants, KELLER IAS has made a name for itself in Germany and Europe as well as with projects from Russia to South Africa.

ITS - Infrared Temperature Solutions
ITS develops and produces high-precision measuring instruments and application solutions for optical temperature measurement for industrial applications in the steel industry, in foundries and the glass, cement, ceramic and chemical industry. With a comprehensive product portfolio of more than 250 different devices and measuring systems, KELLER ITS is one of the technology and market leaders for infrared thermometers and pyrometers worldwide.

All business units are supported by the KELLER 360° SERVICE. This ensures the plant availability and process stability of the machines, plants and systems running worldwide through preventive inspections and predictive maintenance. With a wide range of services from the classic spare parts service to plant modifications and optimisations, on-site service, service contracts, maintenance and training, KELLER 24/7 SERVICE ensures a competent and personal support for its customers.

KELLER is certified according to ISO with regard to quality, environment and energy and places high importance on this. For the customers, this means having a partner who follows rules in achieving these important goals and who cares for future generations.

According to the philosophy "We build the future", KELLER offers various practical and team-oriented training in different professions and promotes internships and theses in close cooperation with schools and universities. Moreover, KELLER offers university graduates a direct entry into the profession.

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