【MAIKA】Waves of Change【Original English Demo】

Описание к видео 【MAIKA】Waves of Change【Original English Demo】

Hello everyone. Recently I had the supreme pleasure of working with Voctro Labs on creating an English demo for their new Vocaloid MAIKA. I would like to start off by saying that No, MAIKA does not have an English bank. This is a demonstration of her bonus English phonetics (in combination with her regular Spanish phonetics) in order to create English. Basically I did the same thing to create her English which was done to create Portuguese.

I would like to thank Voctro Labs for their kindness in giving me the chance to make this demo. I would also like to thank them for their assistance in figuring out the best combination of phonetics to make her as understandable as possible (it was my first time working 100% phonetically, as opposed to my usual system of phonemes and words.)

I also want to thank my dear friend Mario M.D. for his addition advice in which phonemes might be used.

My personal assessment on MAIKA: ....ajkgadakjfagkakf!!!....Okay but in all seriousness, I adore MAIKA's voice. She can move flawlessly from soft, moody vocals, to a more power-house vocal. She is also very easy to tune and holds pitch well. With her addition phonemes I see no reason why she couldn't adapt to many languages, and not just English, Japanese, and Portuguese. I hope very much that she'll be well accepted, as I believe she deserves it.

Now, fun fact, this song is a sequel to another song I did as a demo for a Vocaloid...think you can guess which one before the end of the song?

Music + Lyrics + Picture + Final Mastering by me
Mastering Assistance by Kenji-B and Kentai
Additional assistance by: Voctro Labs and Mario M.D.


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