Emperor - Battle for Dune - House Atreides - For the Good of All

Описание к видео Emperor - Battle for Dune - House Atreides - For the Good of All

Combined Mission Briefings of House Atreides - From the Computer Game "Emperor - Battle for Dune". The mission briefings for the assaults on the homeworlds of house Ordos and house Harkonnen are both included.

Trutfully, I have to say Michael Dorn looks far better without a plastic turtle on his forehead. The Atreides Mentat also fares much better in this role than as as a pitiful ineffective Soviet Premier.

The Atreides are quite a versatile faction with however in my opinion shockingly ineffective heavy units. Their pretentiously hypocritical claim to righteousness as well as their peculiar affection for the inappropiately belligrent Fremen (I know, I know, I am biased! I never could stand those
desert-mice!) sours this faction in my tastes.

At least the actors make a decent effort though. Smirk


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