BEST (cheap, versatile, lightweight, modifiable) PVC Kayak Rack Build Design & Plans

Описание к видео BEST (cheap, versatile, lightweight, modifiable) PVC Kayak Rack Build Design & Plans

6/1/2017: see the latest mod to this rack to save even more space and store the kayaks (plastic) at a "preferred" orientation (to reduce/eliminate heat-produced denting) :

   • Modified cheap versatile & multiple k...  

DIY multiple (in this case 3) kayak rack for garage, space saver, easy access, and versatile. Also, very cheap and can be adjusted for less or more kayaks. Unit is modular, can be disassembled or re-assembled (fit into smallest of cars or closets. Can be added to or subtracted from, making the unit a large scale, or a 1 or 2-kayak, holder.

Few notes of "caution":

#1 glue critical joints as PVC pipes may work themselves loose -- mine isn't glued but I check it every use.

#2 flip kayaks to support using the topside if stored for prolonged - over a week -- else you will developed small indentations at the cross-beams.

ah, the virtues of Corelite, P&H's triple layer polyethylene construction


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