sand and crush price today | sand rate today | crush rate today | gravel rate

Описание к видео sand and crush price today | sand rate today | crush rate today | gravel rate

sand and crush price today | sand rate today | crush rate today |

Welcome to Construction Guide by Asim Minhas. In today's video we will tell you what are the latest rates of sand and gravel in Pakistan. Today in 2023 you will be told about the latest rate of sand and gravel within this video you will also be told how to buy sand, gravel so that you can save whatever money you have paid. You must get so much money. Lest you pay one lakh rupees and the goods that arrive at your site are worth eighty thousand rupees.
A dumper of sand or gravel that you buy costs eight cents. The way to measure it is to measure its length, width and depth from the inside side of the dumper and multiply them together. . Otherwise you can object it and stop your payment.
Today in 2023 a dumper of sand will arrive at your site for 33 thousand rupees and this sand is masonry sand if you want to buy plaster sand then you will get a dumper of it at your site for 38 thousand. . While a crush dumper costs 56 thousand rupees.
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