【拯救世界的釣魚城 上】讓歐洲抓狂,伊斯蘭世界顫抖,東亞國家投降的,蒙古新汗蒙哥繼位。他將如何帶領蒙古更進一步

Описание к видео 【拯救世界的釣魚城 上】讓歐洲抓狂,伊斯蘭世界顫抖,東亞國家投降的,蒙古新汗蒙哥繼位。他將如何帶領蒙古更進一步

00:00 序言
00:57 强大的蒙古
03:48 蒙古內亂
05:11 蒙哥繼位
06:16 征服世界

元憲宗孛兒只斤·蒙哥(1209年1月10日—1259年8月11日),大蒙古國的大汗,1251年7月1日至1259年8月11日在位,史稱“蒙哥汗”。 為元太祖成吉思汗之孫、拖雷長子,四弟即元世祖忽必烈。 母唆魯禾帖尼。
孛兒只斤·蒙哥即位前曾參加拔都統帥的長子軍西征,活捉欽察首領八赤蠻,進攻古羅斯等地。 即位後主要致力攻滅南宋、大理等國,並派遣旭烈兀西征西亞諸國。
1259年,在進攻四川合川釣魚山時(今重慶合川釣魚城)去世。 至元三年(1266年)十月,太廟建成,制尊諡廟號,元世祖忽必烈追尊蒙哥廟號為憲宗,諡號桓肅皇帝。

Baoerzhijin mengge (January 10, 1209 - August 11, 1259), Emperor Xianzong of the Yuan Dynasty, was the Great Khan of the great Mongolia. He reigned from July 1, 1251 to August 11, 1259, known as "mengge Khan" in history. He is the eldest son of Tuolei, the grandson of Genghis Khan, the great ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty. His fourth younger brother is Kublai Khan, the great ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty. The mother instigated ruhetini.

Before he ascended the throne, Bo erzhijin mengge participated in the western expedition of the eldest son of Batu commander, captured the leader of qincha bachiman alive, and attacked gulos and other places. After he ascended the throne, he was mainly committed to attacking and destroying the Southern Song Dynasty, Dali and other countries, and sent xuliewu to Western Asia.

In 1259, he died when he attacked the fishing mountain in Hechuan, Sichuan (now Chongqing Hechuan fishing city). In October of the third year of the Zhiyuan Dynasty (1266), the Taimiao temple was completed, and the posthumous title of the temple was honored. The Emperor Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty pursued the title of mengge temple, which was named Xianzong and the posthumous title of huansu emperor.


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