FESTIVAL SENSATIONS - Ribeira Grande - 2 de Julho de 2016 - Dia 2

Описание к видео FESTIVAL SENSATIONS - Ribeira Grande - 2 de Julho de 2016 - Dia 2

#FESTIVALSENSATIONS #RibeiraGrande #Azores #Acores #açores #saomiguel #dance #dancing #folclórico #folklore #folclóricas #danças #dança
35 Anos - Elevação a Cidade - Ribeira Grande

Ribeira Grande celebra 35 anos de elevação a cidade

São Miguel, Açores / Azores , Portugal

Concertos de música e danças folclóricas
Grupo folclórico
Music concerts and folklore dances.

Festival that took place in Ribeira Grande, a city in Sao Miguel, Azores, Portugal. July 2, 2016. I had to use an Apple iPhone 4S (I wish it was a 6S or a Samsung Galaxy S7. If anyone wants to get me a 4K capable smartphone, message me. I'll give you a shout-out on all event videos I do with the phone if that were to ever happen) after the 24 minute and 11 second mark since the battery for my hacked Panasonic GH2 camera decided to die. Either I took it of the charger too soon or it wasn't hooked up to the US to European adapter properly. Ah well. I'll also be taking videos of the July 3 event. I leave Sao Miguel on July 4 and head to the US.


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