"Bal Shree Award" winner Ryanite Tanya Paul

Описание к видео "Bal Shree Award" winner Ryanite Tanya Paul

Ryanite Tanya Paul wins the coveted Bal Shree Award. The word Balshree comes from the hindi language and is made up of two words as explained Bal -child and Shree - elegance, grace, fame and is also used as a halo or aura of glory. Shree also stands for Goddess of Wealth and Goddess of Knowledge. Therefore, the epithet Balshree was considered to be the most appropriate for defining the attributes of those very creative young ones, who possess unmatchable qualities, unique approach and innovative ways and thereby they not only enrich the society but also cover themselves with glory. Such children are an asset to society and therefore, they are honoured as Bal Shree.

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