What is PRURIGO NODULARIS: Treatment to STOP the CRAZY ITCH | Shawn Kwatra

Описание к видео What is PRURIGO NODULARIS: Treatment to STOP the CRAZY ITCH | Shawn Kwatra

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This incredibly itchy skin condition is one that until recently didn't have great prurigo nodularis treatment options, but with new research + Dupixent approval, our guest has much to share!

My guest today is Shawn Kwatra, MD is a Director of the Johns Hopkins Itch Center and an Associate Professor of Dermatology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD specializing in medical dermatology areas of clinical expertise, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, chronic itch of unknown origin and dermatology for ethnic skin. Dr. Kwatra also runs a basic science laboratory and clinical trials unit and is funded by the National Institutes of Health and multiple foundations.

00:00 Introduction
01:52 What is Prurigo Nodularis + its symptoms?
03:05 Where does Prurigo Nodularis typically affect?
03:48 What age does prurigo nodularis show up?
06:24 Does it spread + get worse with time?
08:25 Are there any infections of the lesions associated with Prurigo Nodularis?
10:54 Is there a distinct cytokine pattern with this condition?
14:50 Co-morbidities associated with PN
17:21 Prurigo Nodularis triggers
21:46 Are antihistamines helpful?
23:41 Treatment options for PN
26:26 If a biologic drug stops the itch, will it allow the lesions to heal?

• Dr. Shawn Kwatra - https://www.kwatralab.org/
• Follow Dr. Kwatra on Twitter -   / drshawnkwatra  
• Get Dr. Kwatra's book Living with Itch: A Patient's Guide - https://a.co/d/h5B3fjl
• Healthy Skin Show ep. 275: Why You're So Itchy (HINT: It's Probably Not Histamine) w/ Dr. Shawn Kwatra - https://www.skinterrupt.com/275

Jennifer Fugo, MS, LDN, CNS is a clinical nutritionist empowering women who’ve been failed by conventional medicine to beat chronic skin and unending gut challenges. Because she’s overcome a long history of gut issues and eczema, Jennifer has empathy and insight to help her clients discover missing pieces and create doable integrative plans.

She holds a Master’s degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and is a Licensed Dietitian-Nutritionist and Certified Nutrition Specialist, and is the host of the Healthy Skin Show.

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DISCLAIMER: Jennifer Fugo is a clinical nutritionist who offers health, wellness + nutritional information for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It also does not create a client-practitioner relationship between yourself + Jennifer. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should consult with a physician or other health care professional first before making any changes. Do not disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice because of something you may have seen in these videos.

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