
Описание к видео 10-3-23

functions like typing can be reintegrated.
every finger combination and its difference to the values next to it,
is unique.

the [sound] up to this point has been
"every possible parameter, all actively sounding simultaneously",
so as to ensure the sono-model can access any possible state without unintended dissonance.

now its is collapsing down to specific changes for specific "modes".

i wanted to post this video of the letter-state simply working.

tweaking the current parameter relationships to best represent both alphanumeric representation and spatial positioning (keyboard and mouse)

(interestingly, to me, is now that the sono-model is stable, everything simply attaches to it. so now the presiding concern is how to integrate and reintegrate these elements while maximizing the tiny cpu's of the raspberry pi 3's and the pi zero's, which are running everything thing you hear and see...)


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