Our Month Old Chickens (Blue Copper Maran, Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Bantam Buff Brahma)

Описание к видео Our Month Old Chickens (Blue Copper Maran, Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Bantam Buff Brahma)

When I was ten years old or so, my brothers and I brought home a couple of chicks from a pet store in Chinatown (Los Angeles, CA.) You can say that we missed our neighbor's chickens when he moved away. Fast forward 30 years later, we have pet chickens again.

There are many breeds of chickens with interesting appearances and traits. Some are better layers, others grow faster and have meat on their bones, and some are somewhere in between.

I selected these breeds as our pet chickens with the benefit of eggs (among other things.)
The two blue breeds are: Blue Laced Red Wyandotte and Blue Copper Maran. The blue trait requires a specific breeding schedule to ensure that 100% of the hatched chicks have this blue trait. The hatchery that we ordered these chicks from does not go through this regimented process. As a result, our Blue Laced Red Wyandotte is a splash (and not blue.)

The other breeds are: Speckled Sussex and Bantam Buff Brahma.


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