台中市外埔區忘憂谷青田篇 Taichung Waipu Wangyou Valley Qingtian [Aerial View|空拍]

Описание к видео 台中市外埔區忘憂谷青田篇 Taichung Waipu Wangyou Valley Qingtian [Aerial View|空拍]

忘憂谷 位於台中外埔區大甲溪旁,一望無際的田野,隨著四季種植的不同,而各有不同的景色,堤防上有腳踏車道,可以邊騎車邊欣賞田野風光。

Wangyou Valley is located next to Dajia River in Waipu District, Taichung, Taiwan. The endless fields have different scenery according to the different planting seasons. There are bicycle lanes on the embankment, and you can enjoy the scenery while riding.
For aerial photography, pay attention to the restricted navigation zone and the flying height.



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