Pimples around Periods | Dr. Aruna Muralidhar

Описание к видео Pimples around Periods | Dr. Aruna Muralidhar

Having pimples around the time of periods is a very common phenomenon. One should be worried about it when it is too much! However, most of the times it is the mild variety and the clearer skin soon returns after!
However if the pimples are causing a lot of problems and affecting the body image of the girl and they are of moderate to severe variety, In general gentle cleansing of the face twice a day in order to keep the dirt away, and also so that there's no secondary infection is advisable.

For the moderate moderate and severe variety, we even advise local antibiotic creams or Comedolytic cream. If however those are not working or even in combination we could even start her on oral antibiotics and some hormonal pills in order to reduce the Sebum production over the period of time by about forty percent. Sebis the secretions from the oil glands which actually cause the pimples and this is related to the hormone production as well as androgens or the male hormones.
Pimples around period a common phenomenon.

Mostly mild and clear skin returns soon!
If causing problem and affecting body image/
Moderate to Severe variety-
Gentle cleansing of face twice a day
Keeps dirt and secondary infection away!
Persistent pimples:
Topical antibiotic creams or comedolytic cream /
Oral antibiotics, oral hormonal pills to reduce sebum production!
Sebum Secreted by oil glands;
Cause pimples
And is also related to progesterone and androgen hormone


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