不用高学历·年薪十万英镑的蓝领工作Top5 |英国工资全剧透 Top5 £100,000 jobs that require no university degree (Eng Sub)

Описание к видео 不用高学历·年薪十万英镑的蓝领工作Top5 |英国工资全剧透 Top5 £100,000 jobs that require no university degree (Eng Sub)

#移民英國 #英國留學 #英國工作
1. 读大学/没读大学 英国工作的差别:就业率+收入待遇
2. Top5蓝领职业:空中交通管制人员 地产中介 电工 水管工 铁路/交通系统工作
3. Top5蓝领职业详细介绍:如何申请? 学历要求? 职业技能文凭要求?攻读时间?起薪及高薪数字?

Welcome to the 16th episode of Myth Life in UK! Thanks for watching! In this episode, I am going to demystify the misconception that people are doomed to suffering from financial failure due to the lack of university degrees. I dedicate this episode to the people coming to the UK (say BNO) and worry about not able to earn good money without 'good' education.

In the past episodes about jobs in the UK, we first talked about the earning power of British people in general and presented the Top 5 paying jobs as well as the salary of Her Majesty the Queen and Boris Johnson as a prime minister in Episode 4. Then in Episode 13, we talked about the Top 5 highest paying University majors and their respective career prospect.

In this episode, I will first share with you the employment rate of those with and without bachelor degree. Then move on to talk about the earning power of those with and without bachelor degree in a lifetime. I will then narrow the earning power of young adult (21-30 year old), showing the earning power and the financial obligation. Lastly, I present my personal top 5 blue-collar jobs that require only secondary degree (GCSE) or the equivalent degree like HKDSE, O-level from Malaysia and Singapore for entry level job. I will show you how to get started and the steps to the potential 6 figures salary!

My friends, these are the real blue collar job that require you to punch in the time, the dedication and the sweat. You will be rewarded handsomely in return! One of the great and unique social situations here in the UK is the workers are endowed with strong labour union. The matter of fact is, the labour party, one of the two biggest parties in the UK, is the strong advocate for blue-collar labour. So, please rest assure that your job is secured and paid fairly!

Graduate Labour Market Statistic 2016: https://assets.publishing.service.gov...

The impact of university degrees on the lifecycle of earnings: https://assets.publishing.service.gov...

Low and high pay in the UK: 2019: https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandl...

Air Traffic Controller: https://www.nats.aero/

Pipefitter: https://nationalcareers.service.gov.u...

Railway careers: https://www.southwark.ac.uk/career/li...

If you like what I'm sharing here, to know more about the life and culture in UK, please subscribe to my channel! I will upload videos in a weekly basis

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