The Business: Prepping for Pilot Season - Marketing

Описание к видео The Business: Prepping for Pilot Season - Marketing

A product's successful marketing campaign can make all the difference. What does effective actor marketing look like? How do actors reach the casting directors, producers and directors in a positive, productive way? How can an actor measure marketing results in a subjective field? Come hear the answers to these questions and more from a panel of marketing industry professionals.

Panel includes Blair Hickey, Patrick Stack, Lance Still and Dallas Travers.

Moderated by Dennis Baker, LifeRaft Program Director.

10:30 “How can we learn from people that are not in the acting business? From the CEO’s and the entrepreneurs out there because that’s really what we all are. We are our own business owners and our own entrepreneurs. So Lance can you maybe talk about in your experience, what you’ve learned from the CEO’s and the entrepreneurs that you’ve worked with that are skills that you maybe take on for yourself and are skills that maybe other people should think about when starting their own business or running their own business?”

19:46 “What people have you read, business people or books, that are maybe outside of the acting realm that have been beneficial to you to shape your mindset of how you see things in the way of sales and marketing and the terminology that we’ve been using?”

24:07 “What is one strategy that you admire that these folks could adopt?”

34:38 “Can you elaborate more of just… maybe it’s patience… a lot of times I know talking with casting directors on panels, they’re nervous about actors just always pitching themselves versus just having a genuine human conversation about two human beings and life and about the dogs about kids… can you guys speak more to that? What does it mean to you guys in your world for actors and business people to build authentic relationships?”

49:27 “In the idea of goal making, in the vein of marketing and business what recommendations do you have us make? What are the things we should think about? What are the things in making goals? What can we control versus what we can’t control in goal making?”

1:02:18 “How do you define a professional? What does a professional mean in this business to you guys?”

1:05:22 “Sometimes with pilot season, there’s the adage of ‘there’s the chance that maybe I can be a series regular if I get that one lucky break’. How can actors determine their next career step?”

1:15:06 “To go back to this, I love the terminology you’re using Blair with ‘story’. I think people hear it called ‘brand’, ‘type’, how do you frame that so that it is something that is offered versus a thing that is a stamp?”

1:20:11 “Lance, I’m curious in the conversations you have with companies. What conversations do you have around having to create a customer to have that feeling?”

1:26:18 “What is one nugget that you can leave the audience with to help reshape and encourage for the next year?” 


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