Petrochema Dubová [Urbex Team JM]

Описание к видео Petrochema Dubová [Urbex Team JM]

Závod Petrochema Dubová sme navštívili v roku 2022.Tento prieskum závodu respektíve rafinérie Petrochema bol dosť náročný pretože sme vedeli ,že závod je strážený čo sa nám aj potvrdilo keďže blízko vrátnice sa pohyboval na voľno čierny vlčiak.Vzadu funguje čistička vôd ktorá je tam kôli gudronovým jamám aby s nich odčerpávala dažďové vody aby nedošlo k vyliatiu gudrónových jám do okolia alebo prípadne do rieky Hron.Celý prieskum trval cca 8 hodín a celú dobu sme dúfali aby sme nikoho nestretli.

We visited the Petrochema Dubová plant in 2022. This survey of the Petrochema plant and refinery was quite difficult because we knew that the plant was guarded, which was confirmed to us because a black wolf was roaming freely near the gatehouse. There is a water treatment plant in the back, which is near the tar plant. pits to drain rainwater from them so that tar pits do not spill into the surrounding area or possibly into the Hron river. The whole survey lasted about 8 hours and we hoped that we would not meet anyone the whole time.

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  / mandakjaroslav  

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Watch my channel for more such interesting videos. I do not recommend imitating anything you see in the video. The video is informative and describes the history of the place it is about. There are no children or minors in the video.


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