"Eight Immortals crossing the sea" Beijing Opera京剧《八仙过海》

Описание к видео "Eight Immortals crossing the sea" Beijing Opera京剧《八仙过海》

The eight immortals returned drunk from the flat peach club. They passed the East China Sea and met the goldfish fairy. When Lu Xianzi and Lu Xianzi were angry, there was a conflict between the two sides. Finally, Zhang Guolao apologized and admitted his mistake. The fairy let the eight immortals cross the East China Sea.八仙从蟠桃会酒醉而归,路过东海遇见金鱼仙子。 吕洞宾出言不逊,惹怒了仙子,双方发生了一场冲突,八仙 被打得落花流水。最后,张果老出面赔礼认错,仙子才让八 仙过东海而去。


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