Elite Dangerous Horizons. Asteroid mining for Osmium and Painite.

Описание к видео Elite Dangerous Horizons. Asteroid mining for Osmium and Painite.

Game play from Elite Dangerous Horizons today I swap out my battle Python for my mining Python and spend some time blasting asteroids for Osmium and Painite.
Elite Dangerous is a space-flight simulation game developed and published by Frontier Developments.
Okay. I have had a couple comments regarding the lack of data on this video for mining Monazite which I appreciate greatly. So for those that need the info here we go. MONAZITE is a reddish-brown phosphate mineral containing thorium, uranium which makes it radioactive. It can be mined in Elite Dangerous from hotspots in METAL-RICH or ROCKY planetary ring systems. To find these hotspots first use your DISCOVERY SCANNER in the system to locate planetary rings, check the type of ring you need and then supercruise to location. Then use your DSS (Detailed Surface Scanner) to highlight hotspots and the mats they hold. Enter the asteroid ring then use your PULSE WAVE SCANNER to highlight colours on rocks. The experience will tell you which are best to mine. (check out the colours in the video) Launch a PROSPECT limpet and check the contents on your left panel. If it,s got good mats now is the time to use SCEIMIC CHARGES on the rock. This action needs some practice and is timed. The idea is to place charges in the ASTEROID FISSURES until enough of the correct strength is placed. Suggest you watch the video a few times. Get the charges correct and you will be rewarded with max paydirt. Now is the time to use COLLECTOR LIMPETS to go collect those chunks and use your ABRASION BLASTER to break lose those chunks still on the rock pieces. Don,t forget to open that cargo hatch door. Try to avoid going too deep into the blown asteroid it tends to freeze things up a bit and the limpet's life span is greatly reduced. Hope the above helps those of you that are new to the game and
Anything else I can help you with please shout out. Happy mining Cmdrs

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