超好吃的咖喱奶油鸡,酱汁又香又浓,简单易学料理! How to make Curry Creamy Butter Chicken, Easy to cook, Super delicious!

Описание к видео 超好吃的咖喱奶油鸡,酱汁又香又浓,简单易学料理! How to make Curry Creamy Butter Chicken, Easy to cook, Super delicious!

大家好,今天要教大家一个非常好吃又简单的料理,那就是咖喱奶油鸡。炸出来的鸡肉块非常酥脆,外酥内嫩,酱汁香浓,一个让人还想再吃的美食。 简直是太好吃了!
Hi, everyone. Today, I’m going to teach you all a very delicious and simple dish, Curry Creamy Butter Chicken. The fried chicken pieces are very crispy and crunchy. Crispy outside and tender inside. The sauce is fragrant and thick. Curry creamy butter chicken is a simple dish that make people want to taste again. Super delicious!

Here is the recipe of making curry creamy butter chicken. Let’s try it out!

腌制鸡肉 Marinate chicken
材料A Ingredients A:
鸡胸肉 chicken breast 350克/350g
鸡蛋 egg 1粒/1
盐 salt 1小匙/1 tsp
咖喱粉 curry powder 1大匙/ 1 tbsp
蚝油 oyster sauce 2大匙/ 2 tbsp
玉米粉 corn flour 3大匙/3 tbsp
清水 water 1/4碗 1/4 cup

粘米粉 blended rice flour 4大匙/ 4 tbsp

酱料 sauce
材料B Ingredients B:
牛油 butter 50克/ 50g
食油 cooking oil 少许/a little
蒜 garlic 5粒/5 cloves
辣椒 chillies 2条/2
咖喱叶 curry leaves
淡奶 evaporated milk 300克/300g
炼奶/白糖 condensed milk/sugar 1大匙/1 tbsp

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#奶油鸡 #咖喱 #butterchicken


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