Power Hungry Pets by Exploding Kittens - How To Play

Описание к видео Power Hungry Pets by Exploding Kittens - How To Play

A strategy game for people who hate strategy games, Power Hungry Pets is a reimagining of Love Letter™ from Z-Man Games. Featuring Exploding Kittens’ adorable characters and signature artwork, this simple strategy game culminates in a mad grab for power. Each card features a number and a hilarious way to backstab, steal from, or obliterate the other players (all in good fun). Players hold one card at all times, draw a second card during their turn, and must decide which to keep and which to play – requiring only one decision at a time. In the end, the player left with the highest number card wins.

Best for players ages 7 and up, Power Hungry Pets can be enjoyed by two to eight players, and only takes about 15 minutes to play.


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