Pizza Tower - Hip to be Italian (Furnace Re-Arrangement)

Описание к видео Pizza Tower - Hip to be Italian (Furnace Re-Arrangement)

i'm sure it's already been enough time since the game's release to cover some vanilla spoilers, right?
Well, I've been out for a while ever since I got real busy having to do assignments (and later ended up getting busy trying to recover from all of that because of how stressful it got), so I had to shelve uploading until I got that under control again (and I'm hoping this will age well too).
I'm sure you've heard about this pizza game before (maybe you were one of those checking out other people playing it a year ago), this video's a remix of the post-credits "judgement" result track (where your whole tower progress is judged).
This is also where I try out a synth bass patch that was never used in ANY official Genesis game (as far to my knowledge, at least).
I gotta say: For a team's debut game, this really does feel like a Wario Land game that never was (barring the artstyle, not that it's bad at all).

also the noise update was pretty interesting and i could probably perfect the game if i tried just a little more


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