Hypo-doccu Tx: (PT 4) ABQ/Kirtland Battle

Описание к видео Hypo-doccu Tx: (PT 4) ABQ/Kirtland Battle

By 1AM, time was of the essence, as EVERYTHING in this operation was ALL about timing. Out of the flank-clearance operations, many were conducted in order to ensure ease-of-logistics, in order to allow front line combat forces to be FULLY supplied (with ease), at ALL times. Afterall, within Fourth G€neration Warfare D0ctr1nes, there was ABSOLUTELY NO front-lines. It was both a major boost to operations, as this panicked a given-enemy, making it impossible to adequately respond to attks, because it basically for them would be unpredictable (literally); this, along with NO SAFE AREAS within which to mobilize forces, marshall resources, and produce anything of any real value. It was the future way of waging wars upon a trgt-nation (attain property, secretly build up forces/logistics/wpns/vehicles, THEN STR1KE, and quickly overwhelm). Such was occuring as Coalition Forces, living for years upon C C P properties, doing troop-rotations (because it has been yrs), finally were str1king hard, upon a nation that was spread-out, tapped-out on resources (VITAL ammunition types pissed-away on proxy conflicts, especially in E. Europe), and basically by now overall: tapped-out militarily/financially/innovatively. This enabled the doctrines to work out better than could have been hoped for, as the invasion forces were ENORMOUS, firepower and logistics to keep it going equally-so; and, the ISR and AI dominance were unparalleled, as held by the Coalition (predominantly Ch1na & Russ1a; however, some tier 2 powers were developing their own capabilities in these regards, and were thus able to be grafted-in). By the time Pak1stani forces of the 18th ID entered the city, they rapidly overcame armed civ forces, and Amer1can armed forces personnel, but the battle would hit a crescendo between 1AM and 10AM, on Day 1, as the combat for the capture of the city would rage for a total of 10 hours. This meant, that fighting for city blocks would be meticulous once the initial objectives had been rapidly taken, because armed civ forces, and military remnants would continue to resist for as long as possible, and that their logistical preparations would permit. Eventually, many would run out of ammo, as even the armed civs realized they didnt often have enough for sustained-combat/firefights. When the heat was on, as the saying went, most realized that it wasn't the movies or video games and they could only carry a limited amount of rounds for their wpns. Most weren't in fighting-shape, and ran out of stamina fast. However, the sheer adrenaline kept some going, albeit for a short while. Some would realize they needed a way to supply themselves, and would attempt to create primitive logistical networks--although it was often too late to make any sort of difference, as the battle moved exceedingly-rapidly (merely hours). This meant that the average battle occuring within the ABQ campaign ended in a matter of minutes to a few hrs, tops (due to coalition ISR & AI directing the fighting & firepower, & seeing ALL enemy activity; save for very few rare-instances). This basically meant that air, artillery, even Mssle str1kes as well as ground forces could str1kes trgt's with EXTREME precision, and concentrate their hellishly devastating firepower effectively. All the Amer1cans thrust into the stone-age could do, was absorb it all, and perish (apart from the intelligent, who fled to the wilderness to avoid needless destruction, and to organize and create Partisan elements, to await for the Coalition's tempo of operations to change to a policing type of tempo vs the hardcore invasion tempo). With the 18th ID sending in its Bttn's from the west to secure the only exit: the I-40 HWY bridge (and adjacent 2 street bridges), they would thus block retreat by military and armed civs from the east of the city, where they could be trapped & concentrated for EASIER destruction. Only to the north, would 1 pontoon bridge be laid by the Combat Engineer Bttn of the Divisions 2nd Bde, in order for there to be a crossing COMPLETELY under control of the Pak1stani forces. At 1AM, the Armored Bttn of the 18th ID's 1st Bde, would clear the flanks of an armed civ cluster appearing in Ventana Park/Paradise West area of ABQ. This, before eventually moving quickly to intercept another fleeing group of armed civs trying to take refuge within the Petroglyph Monument area, before the moving to assist the Combat Engineers of the 1st Bde of 18th ID in blocking I-40 Bridge area from possible escape by Amer1can armed forces of any kind (Namely with Nat'l Guard forces in-mind; as basically they were all that was left early-on, apart from the rapidly becoming entrapped Air Force units (those not encircled by 1ranian Armored Bttn's [2]) who would flee into the Internat'l Apt to continue resistance. By 2AM, the Armored Bttn upon clearing the flanks for the capture of the Double Eagle Apt (By M. Inf. Bttn), will have completed it's logistical resupply, to continue on. Next: North ABQ


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