Over 30 Edible Perennials in a Small Garden!

Описание к видео Over 30 Edible Perennials in a Small Garden!

In today's video, I show you the more than 30 edible perennials growing in our small garden!

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0:48 Blackberries
1:02 King Stropharia (Wine Cap) Mushrooms
1:17 Heritage Raspberry
1:30 Pixwell Gooseberry
1:52 Honey Berry (Haskap)
2:05 Apple Mint
2:05 Dandelion
2:05 Lemon Balm
2:34 Asian Pear
2:49 Redhaven Peach
3:04 Lovage
3:15 French Sorrel
3:51 Good King Henry
4:13 Sea Kale
4:33 Sylvetta Arugula
4:59 Red Veined Sorrel
5:20 Garlic Chives
5:37 Egyptian Walking Onions
6:00 Sunchokes
7:22 Blueberries
7:41 Tristar Strawberries
7:47 June Strawberries
7:54 Tree Collards
8:22 Elan Strawberries
8:34 Grapes
8:34 Black Raspberries
8:34 Yellow Raspberries
9:00 Catnip
9:12 Oregano
9:19 Chives
9:25 Hyssop
9:29 Yellow Sage
9:37 Purple Passion Asparagus

A Global Inventory of Perennial Vegetables: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9ew...

I'm passionate about an approach to organic gardening that is frugal, easy, sustainable, and works with nature to achieve amazing results. My videos will help you grow more healthy organic fruits and vegetables, while working less and saving money. I don't push gardening products. I don't hype bogus "garden secrets". I provide evidence based strategies to help you grow a lot of food on a little land without spending much or working harder than you have to!


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