Does my BABY have COLIC?|Tips to Deal Colic- Dr.Kumari Gunjan of Cloudnine Hospitals|Doctors' Circle

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Cloudnine Hospitals, Patparganj, New Delhi
Colic is a kind of abdominal discomfort which can happen to a baby who is less than 3 month and who is crying uncontrollably for more than 3 hours a day for more than 3 days a week and this baby might have colic. How do you know that your baby has this particular problem of colic? So such babies cry in a like very high pitch character and during this cry episode they will have fisting of hand and they may curl up their legs towards their tummy and they may become red or maybe purplish and this colic bout, happens around the same time of the day every day. So this is about the characteristic of cry how do you prevent the colic. So yes we can do certain things to decrease this issue. First we can provide tummy time for around 10 to 15 minutes a day and by tummy time I mean that you have to keep your baby on the stomach for around 10 to 15 minutes. The best time period is after the massage then we can do knee bending exercises by that I mean you can bicycle the legs and just touch the thighs and the tummy at regular interval of time. Maybe you can link this activity with change of diaper and this will help your baby release the flatus at regular interval. Then even massage and particularly tummy massage is quite relaxing for your baby during colic and warm bath can be given and then there is one more thing I would like to add that if you are going to space the feeds regularly like you're giving at least 3 to 4 hours of spacing between the feeds you are going to help your baby why because what happened in kick your baby is constantly crying and because you see this cry as a hunger cry and you tend to feed the child very frequently. So frequently feeding the child will increase their problem this will aggravate the issue. Because what happens during colic is this is physiological lactose intolerance. So whenever you are feeding the child frequently you are increasing the undigested carbohydrate load. So it will increase the issue. So try to take a gap between the feeds at least 3 to four hours gap should be given between the feeds and what to do if your baby is crying excessively in between the feast then you can gentle rock your child or maybe use some white noise there are multiple things links available in the market white noise machine is there then you can go to YouTube there are audios available for White Noise during colic. You can just switch on that noise during these phases of colicky cry and your baby will certainly get some help out of it.

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