Homosexuality in the Quran 1 (Tafsir) - Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshawani - Night 13

Описание к видео Homosexuality in the Quran 1 (Tafsir) - Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshawani - Night 13

The quran is revealed in the holy month of Ramadan but is arguably one of the most Controversial texts in the world today. Many non-Muslims ask questions concerning verses of the Quran that imply war killing violence & abuse. There are many Muslims who ask questions concerning topics in the quran concerning economic social political & spiritual life. Join us this holy month of Ramadan where we explore the topics raised by Muslims & non Muslims alike. LIVE at 7:15PM LDN - 2:15PM D.C. only on Imam Hussein TV 3.

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