#35【GTAIV】です!リバティーシティへようこそ 【Pinkcandy360Games】

Описание к видео #35【GTAIV】です!リバティーシティへようこそ 【Pinkcandy360Games】

【Pinkcandy360 Games】This is my original channelI'm real, I'm the operator of this channel
   / @pinkcandy360gameschannel  

   / @pinkcandy360gameschannel  

【GTAIVの再生リストです!よろしければ是非ご覧下さい!】This is a playlist of videos I created and posted!
   • 【GTA IV ゲームプレイ】リバティーシティへようこそ  

【チャンネルのご登録はこちらです!】Click here to subscribe!
   / @pinkcandy360gameschannel  


It is a play video of the GTA IV game of XBOX360! RockstarGames, the genre is action adventure open world. Compatible models are mainly PS3 and XBOX360.


【ご注意】当チャンネルの運営者はPinkcandy360 Gamesです。
Pinkcandy360 Gamesの全動画は本人の私自身が撮影、編集しアップロードしております

Thank you for your viewing! This channel posts game play videos!
I hope you enjoyed it, and I'm sorry if you made any mistakes in editing the video.
We have posted videos of various games, so please take a look at the playlists and related videos!

[Caution] The operator of this channel is Pinkcandy360 Games.
All videos of Pinkcandy360 Games are shot, edited and uploaded by myself.
Since it is original content, reprinting without permission is strictly prohibited. Please strictly observe it.
In recent videos, I put a watermark in the thumbnails and videos with a logo indicating that I am the creator.

#GTAIV #GrandTheftAuto4 #ゲーム

【ゲームの簡単なご説明 / A brief explanation of the game】

Grand Theft Auto 4 is an open world game where the main character Nico challenges various missions in Liberty City!


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